Beauty and the Beast Ballet

Cortnie and Audree danced in Beauty and the Beast

Last night was the Livermore School of Dance performance of Beauty and the Beast. Cortnie and Audree each participated, and they were quite lovely in their ballerina outfits. Audree was a bookworm and Cortnie was a feather-duster. Isn’t it great to see their happy smiles […]

Holding the twins for the first time

First time Karen got to hold one of the girls

We went to visit the twins today and held them for our first time for an hour or so. Karen grabbed Elizabeth (well, not really—the nurse handed her to Karen), and I held Carolyn. Both were quiet and sleepy. Elizabeth no longer has an IV […]

Remembering those who serve

Memorial Day

Memorial Day is for remembering sacrifices made for our country. For some, the images this calls to mind are painful. For me, not so much—no family member has been called upon to give the ultimate sacrifice for our country. Yet, there were hardships caused by military service: my dad, serving in the […]