2019 Christmas greeting and review of our year

Anticipation. There is something about this season besides the incessant commercialism of buy this, Buy This, BUY THIS! It’s the anticipation of celebrating the birthday of Jesus.

Seems like it has been a busy, almost hectic year.

96th birthday (cup)cake

Phil’s Mom moved into an assisted living facility in mid 2018 and was […]

2016 Christmas Letter

As is our habit we once again wrote a letter to accompany our Christmas cards. It describes some of our experiences this year. In this on-line copy, I’ve included some relevant photos.

December 15, 2016

Christmas is a time for gifts! Multiple emails from Amazon (and others) remind me of that on a daily basis. […]

Gold Beach vacation

We spent the month of July in Gold Beach, OR. This was a new experience for us: new location and a new amount of time. While we have sometimes spent three consecutive weeks on vacation, we have never spent more than ten days in a single location. I stumbled across a very nice fully furnished […]