Photo: Sword Lake

Sword Lake

This little lake is near Spicer Meadow Resevoir, but we reached it from a trailhead off of Clark Fork Rd, which is off of Highway 108. Looks like a great diving rock. Photo taken in July, 2002.

Curiosity and Mount Sharp

The Mars Science Laboratory (Curiosity) has landed very successfully in Gale Crater on Mars and returned a few photos.

Mt. Sharp

More or less in the center of the crater is Mt. Sharp. This is one of the first photos returned showing the mountain. It doesn’t look very significant because it was taken through […]

Photo: Semper Fi

Semper Fi roadside sculpture on highway 299 into Alturas, CA

We passed these folk-art sculptures on the way to Alturas, seemingly in the middle of nowhere. I had to turn around and go back to get the photo.